
All EdCampOKC participants are invited to take and share both photos and videos during our event. Please use our #edcampOKC hashtag for media you share, as well as tweets you send about the conference.


Please join our EdCampOKC Flickr Group and submit your photos to the group.


Following (or during) each of our EdCampOKC sessions, we invite EdCampers to record short reflection videos about some key ideas or takeaways from the session. Please share these videos with our community by either:

  1. Uploading your video to YouTube and then submitting the video link using our Video Contribution Form
  2. Sharing your short video clip using this DROPitTOme link (password: edcampokc – Note the maximum size for videos is 75 MB)

We’ll share photos as well as videos after our event on our website. We encourage you to consider licensing your shared media under a Creative Commons Attribution-Only license.